Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Keep Tahoe Blue

In late June, we flew out to Las Vegas with Gishani's host parents from college and then drove up to Lake Tahoe for a reunion of friends and family. We did some kayaking, hiking and relaxing. The drive was gorgeous and we swung through Yosemite on our way.


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't checked in here for a long time... and to my surprise, there are tons of pictures!!! Beautiful!!!!! Some of these look like post card pictures. Glad you guys are having a good summer. What happens to the vegetable garden during your travels? Have you put Sher to work? :)

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'so glad you got to Yosemite! What a full weekend! ...'gorgeous pics, as usual!


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